
in as far as中文是什么意思

  • 在...的限度内, 在...的范围内, 到如此程度



  • 例句与用法
  • In as far as i know , everything is ok
  • If around when doing not have a parking lot , also should not want park to be in as far as possible slant avoid , dark place
  • Thus , in as far as the british pound or other main traded currencies appreciates against the us dollar ? whether because of chinese yuan appreciation or other reasons ? metals prices in us - terms may adjust
  • In as far as parts or individual formulations of this text do not , or no longer , or do not fully correspond to the applicable legal situation , then the remaining parts of the document shall not be affected in their content and in their legal force
  • So if missed open quotation strong , should discover in time cast off exponential oscillation and can with be being mixed firmly the kind of to the limit of one ' s capacity runs share price upper part of yu jun price , be in as far as possible all stock with goods is more reliable near valence
  • Liability claims against the author , which refer to damage of a material or immaterial nature , which was caused by the use or non - use of the information supplied or by the use of faulty and incomplete information , are principally excluded , in as far as no evidently intentional or grossly negligent fault exists on the part of the author
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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